
About Cadius Gaming

The Cadius Gaming Community is all about creating a friendly and welcoming environment for players of all skill levels. Whether it is a beginner looking to get into gaming or an expert looking for a new crew to hang around with, we are here! Cadius Gaming currently runs two servers one for Space Engineers and one for Minecraft. If you visit our Server info section, connection details for each server are there. We are always looking to expand our gaming repertoire into new games such as EAs Battlefield 2042 and Halo, but no game is off the table.

The History of Cadius Gaming

Cadius Gaming started at the begining of 2021 by RoboRob and Padster90. Both met at the begining of 2020, when COVID 19 first hit and the country (UK) went into lockdown, on a Space Engineers server. From there they formed a faction and built a great friendship. they stretched out and played on a couple of other Space Engineer server. However neither could find a good balance, so it was desided that Cadius Gaming was to be built.

We've been through some rough times, like at the begining setting up servers was difficult. We had our first hosted system and server booted for Space Enginners however players couldn't connect. After months of struglling with the server we switched hosts. Since switching we've not had any issues, apart from the normal patch day issues.

The Staff

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